How to Track Conversion & ROI
You’ve established your digital marketing budget, had your awesome design team create great ads and now your campaigns are up and running. You’re done, right? Wrong! What have you done to track your return on investment (ROI)? Setting up relevant conversions can help you bridge the gap between your digital marketing efforts and the effectiveness of your traffic sources.
According to the REAL Trends Online Performance Study, a little over half of the brokerages were effectively tracking conversions. Don’t be the half that neglects one of the easiest things you can do to track lead sources.
Follow these simple steps to get started:
Sweep your website to evaluate opportunities for lead capture. Whether it’s a contact us form, a registration landing page or an opportunity to save a property listing, these are great ways to capture information. Be mindful of the landing page URL for each of these lead capture opportunities. If the URL is the same, your job just got a whole lot easier!
Set up a corresponding goal in Google AdWords or Google Analytics for each identified lead capture opportunity. If your lead capture pages have one URL, you will only need to set up one goal.
Both AdWords and Analytics will generate a tag that will need to be implemented on your website for the specified conversion goal. The placement of the tag will vary depending on the conversion goal (Ex: event, form, conversion, awareness, etc.)
You’re all set! You can now begin to track your ROI and tweak your campaign as needed. Based on visitor interaction, you will be able to see your conversion rate.
The Online Performance Study is on us so enjoy your FREE download.