Instagram is a complete business tool that can provide you with the opportunity to earn not leaving your house. Instagram is no longer associated with food and outfit pictures. Here, you can gather an audience of different ages, gender, and occupation to sell your product. There is communication, fun, new acquaintances, the latest news, and, finally, the work.
The main point of the social platform is numerous photographs. Many marketers claim that it’s a visual perception that influences a person’s decision to buy a particular product. That is why a realtor must consider managing a profile on such social media.
So, how can you make your real estate profile stand out among others?
Audience Loyalty
The main idea is to build a trustful relationship with your audience. If you present your company, specify the location, contact number, and the official website in your bio section.
If you’re a novice realtor who offers the services, add the info about the firm you work for, your personal number, and a profile on existing social media. This way, users can be sure that you’re a real person with creditable contacts.
Optimized Pictures
Instagram is an image sharing platform. So, the pivotal component of a successful real estate page is beautiful and high-quality photos. Hire a competent photographer who delivers top-notch shots.
If you decide to take photos of the interior on your own, remember that no filter could level the walls or eliminate haphazardly scattered stuff. Take care of the room. Remember that no matter what apartment you offer, a bad photo can scare off a client.
Instagram is a visual promotion tool. A gripping picture is more compelling than any selling text. Whenever possible, try to take photos in natural light. This way, the shots will be crystal clear, and everything will be in focus.
What a Real Estate Professional Should Post
Posts on your profile should present and promote your work. These are the objects that the agency offers for rent or sale:
- Houses
- Apartments
- Residential complexes
- Country estates
The main thing is to choose the best angle. Besides, take pictures of not only the interior but also the exterior of the house.
In the caption, indicate that at the request of the client, you can send additional photos to direct. Make everyone interested in a detailed photo report, telling your followers about all the pros and cons of the place.
However, aside from the main content, it’s nice to write entertaining posts. Actually, you can come up with different ideas. Offer the subscribers some useful solutions to decorate an apartment or share the latest real estate news. Also, you can provide them with educational info about some outstanding architectural projects of our decade.
Photo Maps
When posting pictures on Instagram, you have the option to specify a location. In this way, subscribers can see where exactly you took a particular photo since it’ll be displayed on a real map. This feature allows you to demonstrate your awareness of some areas and those or other listings.
Preview Videos
The video is one of the latest features on Instagram. You can record a short video home tour for clients to show them the house in brief. If they like what they see, they can immediately contact you and make an appointment. Potential clients can be so impressed with your social media handling skills that they might reach you as soon as they decide to buy or sell a house.
If you post a photo with the hashtag #property #listing or #homeforsale, your subscribers will be able to click it and see all the pictures with the same hashtag. In the Instagram system, the hashtag features are essential for promoting and gaining a new audience. In other words, they enable users to purposely or accidentally find your pics.
Besides, in the app, you can find a separate search section by hashtags. If you write them down, your pics will appear in the search results. It’s just an effective way to stand out among the other realtors.
Communication with Clients
Don’t forget to respond to every comment. Even if it’s a negative one, ask what makes a user do this, and provide a solution. Regularly arrange polls, offer to participate in promotions, and communicate with the audience in every possible way.
Besides, subscribe to other users’ accounts. You can find people with similar interests by hashtag searching. After subscribing, don’t forget to put likes to some pictures and write meaningful comments. In this way, you are doing a little promo for your account.
Time Analysis
Time on Instagram plays a crucial role. At certain times of the day, your audience is more active. Being aware when the majority of your followers are online changes everything. In this way, you can communicate and make posts more effectively and hopefully draw more attention to your products.
Most users are busy at night, so it might be worth posting photos in the evening. To identify the most active period, you can use your own experience or resort to different apps.
Buying an apartment cannot be classified as a spontaneous purchase. It isn’t a product of everyday life, and people can choose for more than one month. When creating a real estate page on Instagram, think beforehand about the account features and what to offer to the potential client.
Nancy P. Howard has been working as an editor at guest posting service Adsy for a year. She is also a professional writer in such topics as blogging, IT and marketing.